Greycells - the renowned Quiz company conducted a Corporate Quiz event at Delhi last Saturday for CRIS (Indian Railways). Celebrated Quizmaster in India Gautam Bose our awesome Quizmaster and an absolute rock star was at his usual best and conducted the event with his signature style and panache. Needless to say the audience was bowled over by his content and conduct.
Senior functionaries of the organization were present on the occasion. While commenting on the Quiz, Managing Director, of CRIS said she was completely in awe of the Quizmaster and about his effective skills in audience engagement and dealing with all participants. For the entire four hours of the Quiz there was not a single dull moment. It was a complete edge of the seat entertainment and was hugely entertaining and a learning experience for all of us, is what she said.
She also commended the professionalism and an error free event provided by the entire Greycells event management team - who worked on the various aspects of the event like stage management, set-up, sound, effect lights...the whole drill.
A big thank you from Greycells to all participating audience and the entire management of CRIS for inviting us to host the Quiz second year in a row.